
As a student at Liberty University in Lynchburg Virginia, I had the opportunity to join the house worship band for the last couple years of college. After graduation, I was given the opportunity to lead the team and embarked on a season as Liberty’s Worship Pastor, where I had the privilege to oversee and lead worship for LU’s Convocation and Campus Church services.

During my time at Liberty, I not only graduated college, I had the joy of meeting my wife (who’s also a worship leader), starting our family, and releasing my first two albums. Since 2020, I’ve been the Worship Pastor at Grace Church in Eden Prairie, Minnesota.

My desire is to lead worship in a way that puts God’s Word on display. I strive to write songs that the church can sing in spirit and truth, and I love to engage graphic design and video to enrich our worship services. I also sometimes lend my voice to various projects, and I love to offer support to pastors and churches that are navigating ministry challenges. Aside from faith in Christ, my greatest joy is the role I get to have as a husband and father.

our story

Justin and Ashley Kintzel's journey through deconstruction from the Christian faith is a powerful story they recently shared with the Grace Church congregation at Thanksgiving 2022. Their struggles with ministry transition, marriage difficulties and their children's health issues led them down a path of questioning their faith. However, it was through this suffering that they discovered a renewed and stronger belief in biblical faith in Christ. Their story is a testament to the power of faith and perseverance in difficult times.

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